Flower Garden Ideas For Containers and Window Boxes
21.45 // 0 komentar // the writer // Category: flower garden , flower garden ideas containers window boxes //Everyone loves flowers showing off his beautiful head in her garden. Some people invest in a big sprawling gardens and make some space available in the yard beautiful. People who live in apartments can do neither. However, they have the option to plant flowering plants. Window boxes are ideal and easy to maintain small places like apartments.
Window boxes are portable and can be installed on windows where sunlight is abundant. flowers will bloom well in such conditions. Flowers bloom best when they are at least 6 hours of direct sunlight.
can buy a window box garden stores. Select a window in the apartment that gets lots of sunshine through out the day. While buying a container make sure it has holes drilled in the bottom. Buy some good quality soil and prepare the bed. You also get colorful pots, so choose your plants and the color of the container carefully.
If the container is heavy, and then hang it in the first place and then fill it out. First, make sure that the brackets that will be used for hanging baskets are firmly fixed so that they can withstand the weight and burden to the basket after you put in the ground with her.
When you hang the container gardens can attract humming birds and other birds by planting specific plants. Petunias, verbena and licorice to attract these birds and flowers also look very nice. You can choose to have fresh smelling herb garden that is brighter, and also smell nice. Or, you can simply have the flowers and coordinating colored flowers look nice.
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