Create A Synergistic Vegetable Garden In 10 Easy Steps
13.43 // 0 komentar // the writer // Category: create synergistic vegetable garden easy steps , rich soil , synergistic vegetable , synergistic vegetable garden , vegetable garden , vegetable gardening //vegetable gardening should not be hard work. See all the abundance that Mother Nature grows, you see her digging, weeding, pruning, fertilizing? No, of course not! Natural systems do all the work and synergistic vegetables put these systems to work in your garden, producing a bountiful harvest the natural way.
So how do you get started building a synergistic vegetable garden?
# 1 Build raised beds. No need to build wooden boxes and fill them with soil. Just create a long pile of soil about 4 feet wide and 10-30 inches tall. Flatten the top of the mound.
# 2 Cover with foil mound. This can be a mix of materials - straw, shredded cardboard, sheep, wool, leaves, sawdust, shredded branches, newspapers, etc.
# 3 A few days before you are ready to begin planting open mulch on top of the bed to allow the soil to warm up.
# 4 Plant seedlings in the bed and shut up mulch around the plants. Seeds are planted in the same way.
# 5 Place of useful plants - called companion plants - through his garden. It can be planted in the beds. Marigolds, for example, will protect your plants from nematodes.
# 6 Do not use compost in your garden or add fertilizer. This is not necessarily cause damage to the ground.
# 7 When it's time to harvest from your garden, cut the plant off just above the ground and leave the roots in place. All vegetation that is not used should be placed on top of mulch right where the plant grows.
# 8 Never walk on the bed, or while they dig.
# 9 Weeding is still necessary at the beginning, but given the amount of weed, mulch will be greatly reduced. Over time as the mulch builds, less weed seed will find there way into the soil.
# 10 Water beds during dry periods. mulch prevents the development of hard surface on the ground, leading to water run off. mulch also reduces evaporation. hummus rich soil holds water, making it available to plants for longer.
So there you have the basics in a nutshell. The idea of gardening is synergistic to mimic a system that builds the soil naturally. It is a bacteria and worms in our soil that produce this fertility through their life process. We should not be confused with the process that nature has perfected. When we do, just create more work for themselves with reduced soil fertility.
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