Breaking The Power Of The Sin Nature
02.43 // 0 komentar // the writer // Category: Breaking , breaking power nature , image , likeness.Power , nature // As human beings, we all have two primary things in common, we were all created in
image and likeness of God and the fall of Adam and Eve in the garden are
all born with a sin nature. In Psalms 51:5 As David repented of his sins, he appeals to God's awareness of his sin nature when he says: "Here I brought up the lawlessness and sin is not my mother conceive me. " This verse clearly tells us that we are all born with the need to liberate the power of sin nature and that no mistake, the sin nature is powerful. In fact, it is
primary force behind all the misery, pain, heartache, destruction and death that we saw in
a world in which we live. Let's stop for a moment and look at the two words of David mentioned in the preceding verse iniquity and sin .
iniquity - is to be perverse or unfair, it says something or someone
are out of alignment, bent in the wrong direction it means to be changed from pure
defiled state to state. also talking about something that is inherently or as a woven pattern
in those of nature and character.
This is exactly what has happened to mankind when Adam and Eve sinned in the garden
(Genesis 3) have become perverted, dishonest, out of alignment with God, bent in the wrong
direction and defiled. as a vicious virus released into the computer hard disk sin made man
corrupt and full of error messages. The man began to defect to the power of sin,
unfair and patterns were made from the first man through all generations
people on earth. David uses the following word is a sin.
sin - literally means to miss the target or goal, for the violation or violations.
Because of the inherent bent toward the wrong, the man is constantly violating the laws of the gods,
Holy God, nature, offensive and missing the fate that God has planned for your life.
There is no person on earth who can claim to be sinless. The Bible says
without the excuse that "all have sinned and lost the glory of God " (Romans
03:23). All means all, even as believers (those who claim to be born again
experience) must realize that we still struggle with sin nature and often
smaller than the gods of fame. The apostle John spoke especially when the faithful
said: "If we say that we have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse
us from all unrighteousness. if we (believers) say we have not sinned, we make it
liar, and his word is not in us (I John 1:8-10 ).
In Galatians 5:19-21 the Apostle Paul gives us a vivid picture of the sin nature when he says:
Now works of the flesh (sin nature) are evident as:
9.out burst of anger
and things like these, I warn you, just as I will warn you that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Paul was speaking here after announcing the faithful, he is challenging them not to let the old sin nature with all its selfish, selfish urges and tendencies dominate their new life in the spirit. Paul learned how to do this through understanding
and revelation.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans chapter 7:14-25 that the war is going
on the inside of us. This is the principle of good and evil in us, and wrestling. Paul noted
in his life that although he wanted to do what is right in the eyes of God is
often found himself struggling with a call to do wrong and while she was
confusing, because as new believers, we often think that we always assumed that the
calls to sin and if we do not there must be something wrong with us. When the Bible
clearly teaches that we will be tempted (Read James 1:13-15). Being tempted is not sin that is
when we return (to give) the temptation to become sin.The Apostle Paul revealed
that there are two natures work with him one was in the New Nature has given you
He gave his life to Christ (which is the restoration of images of gods in us that is lost during
fall (read Genesis 3, Ephesians 4:22-24) and there is an old sin nature fully operational
and completely intact even after the re-born. Paul refers to this bodily or personal nature when he says "because I know that no good dwells in me, that is, in my body (physical nature) for which they want to (want) is present with me, but not for good (Romans 7 : 18) He goes on, "for the good that I want (or will do), I do not work. but I practice a very evil that I do not want (Romans 7:19). He goes on to say, "but if I am doing the very thing I do not want, I'm no longer a single event, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then the principle that evil is present in me, one who
wants to do good (Romans 7:18-21). Paul continues:
For I joyfully agree with the law of God in the inner man (the new nature in Christ, the spiritual man),
but I see another law in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my
mind (imagination), and what I was a prisoner of the law of sin which is in my
members (Romans 7:22-23). It's almost sounds like a losing battle, but then paul
declares: "Wretched man that I will Deliver me from this body!
death. Thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord "(Romans 7:24-25). Paula
revelation came to understand the power and purpose of the victim or the Christ
on the cross for all mankind. Our Lord and Savior came to earth to take on our sin nature that literally became sin for us (2 Corinthians 5:21), then a curb and
overcome our sin nature is seen as a temptation we do, but
never give in to (Romans 8:03, Hebrews 4:15). Then he was happy to be stuck
cross as the ultimate sacrifice for our sins and receive the court that we should
received, and died the death we should have died. Romans 6:23 says
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
our Lord. His shed blood of the guilt for our sins, and that's not all, he also rose from
dead on the third day, breaking the power of death and giving us an advantage over the sin nature.
Paul writes in I Corinthians 15:55-57:
"O death, where is thy victory? O death, where is thy sting? sting of death is
sin and the power of sin is the law, but thanks to God who gives us victory
through our Lord Jesus Christ. "And why did he do all this?
Because he loves us (John 3:16), it is the power of the Gospel message and good
news that changes lives.
So how do we appropriate all that Jesus accomplished on the cross and grave
overcome the sin nature. It begins by first acknowledging that we need to be free from
the power of sin nature, then embracing and most importantly
believing the truth that Jesus Christ is the only one who can set us free and give us power
sin against nature. This is what the term "saved" is all about, it means that
saved and rescued from the dominion of sin nature. Romans 10:9 says: "If we confess our
mouth Jesus as Lord and believe in our heart that God raised him from the dead we
Will be saved (from the forces of nature and effects of sin). the sin nature
Many can see them all through out our society and culture. Lets face it we live in
selfish, violent, greedy, over sexed culture where good is called bad and bad is called good
and it affects us more than we know. However, beneath the hardened skin callous society
culture that rejects God there are souls cry out for freedom from the dominion of sin
Nature and declare that the atoning work of Jesus Christ is still the key to spiritual freedom and liberty.
In Galatians 5:22-23 Paul shows us the difference between the forces of old sin nature and the greater power of the Holy Spirit to create a new man in us when he says: The fruit of the Spirit
the 3.peace 4.patience 5.kindness 6.goodness 7.faithfulness 8.gentleness 9.self control
Against such things there is no law. Now those who belong to Jesus Chist have crucified the flesh (sin nature), with her passion and desire.
We appropriate this great power by allowing Jesus to live his life
through us. In Galatians 2:20 the Apostle Paul says it this way: "I have been crucified
with Christ, and it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me, and life
I now live in the flesh (my mortal body) I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me
and gave himself for me.
to be crucified with Christ simply means that we decide to stop living according to our
sinful tendencies and preferences, and we choose to Christ lives through us and good
news is he gives us his Spirit and his grace to do so when we invite
His name.
If you're reading this article, and you're ready for a radical change in lifestyle pray this simple
prayer aloud.
Lord Jesus
I accept your word, and my heart is ready for change. I've lived my life my way
All this time, but now I call on your behalf. Lord forgive me my sins of those I know about
even things that I never realized that the sinful. Deliver me from every unjust pattern in my life. I confess with my mouth that you are Lord and that through the shedding of his blood I am redeemed, I believe in my heart to the Lord Jesus that you were raised from the dead to empower me to live a rich life, and for all you have done for me I am eternally grateful. I give you my heart and my life, let your will be done in me I'm yours forever Amen.
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